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Cakes and Cupcakes to suit people interested in technology and games

Minecraft cake
Minecraft cake
X-box cake and controller cupcakes
X-box cake and controller cupcakes
Spaceships cupcakes
Spaceships cupcakes
Nerd Ragers coding team cake with PS4 controller
Nerd Ragers coding team single tier wonky cake with PS4 controller
Mario game 3 tier cake
Mario game 3 tier cake
Tiger Moth plane flying over clouds birthday cake
Tiger Moth plane flying over clouds birthday cake
Laptop cupcake
Laptop cupcake
Smartphone cupcake
Blackberry smartphone cupcake
TV comms, radio comms, or Amateur radio cupcake
TV comms, radio comms, or Amateur radio cupcake
Smartphone cupcake
For someone who likes their gadgets
iPad cupcake
iPad cupcake
Xbox controller cupcake
Xbox controller Cupcake

Copyright Laura Abraham, Hand Crafted Cupcakes, 2010 - 2016